2025 Hair Colorscope: Top Hair Colors Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Get insights into the year ahead and discover your celestial hair color match.
Continuing one of our favorite traditions, we sat down with the talented astrologer Tamerri Ater to tap into the year ahead and discover the hair colors that will help bring out your best self. Read on for her exclusive insights into your 2025 horoscope and the coveted hair colors that harness your true nature in our annual Hair Colorscope: Top Hair Colors Based on Your Zodiac Sign.
2025 At A Glance
2025 is the dawn of a new era! We’re entering a 9 universal year 2+0+2+5=9, which is about culmination and endings. It’s time to let things go that no longer serve you, including the hair color you’ve been dying to change.
This is further emphasized by the moon's north and south node’s shift from Aries and Libra into Pisces and Virgo. The moon's nodes are destiny points and whenever they shift, there is usually a change in direction, an important life event, or the revelation of something. We are moving from pure logic to leaning into intuition and compassion.
We begin the year with energetic Mars retrograde in the signs Leo and Cancer until February 23. Retrograde periods are a time for reassessing, and Mars retrogrades are significant because they happen approximately every other year and show where we need to redirect our energies. It’s time to go inward to garner more courage, love, creativity, play, and confidence.
Love and beauty planet Venus goes retrograde in the signs Aries and Pisces from March 1 to April 12. Warning, Venus retrograde is not a great time to make any drastic changes to your appearance, without some assistance. So keep the Create My Custom Color Page Bookmarked . This is a good time to correct something, so if you’re experiencing a color mishap, Venus to the rescue! Especially while it’s in Aries, which rules the head.
Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, enters Aries on March 30, bringing a preview of what you will need to dissolve in your life to move towards the vision you have for yourself. Pay attention to quick downloads and insights during this time. Neptune wants to sharpen your intuition. Serious Saturn will also enter Aries in May for a period, requiring us to learn how to better self-regulate.
Expansive Jupiter’s move into Cancer on June 9, brings luck, abundance, and a spiritual focus on the idea of home and family for approximately a year. Jupiter likes to be in Cancer, and this is a great time for creating a more jovial environment in your home. Do I see a beauty room in your future?
Jupiter will square off against Saturn in Pisces on June 15, bringing a solution for a problem that has been lingering through most of 2024. Take what you’ve learned and apply your newfound wisdom. It’s time to move forward.
When Uranus moves into Gemini on July 7 before it heads back into Taurus on November 7, we can make great intellectual strides, communication skyrockets, and a spotlight may be put back on the travel industry and media/entertainment.
With that being said, it’s time for you to bring your main character energy to 2025—I will show you how with your 2025 colorscope.

Aries, 2024 was likely a major year of change and growth for you—and although it was likely uncomfortable at times, you were being redirected on a path that is more aligned with your future self.
2025 is a year where you should align your daily activities and habits with your goals and release old patterns that have been weighing on your subconscious mind. You start the beginning of the year with your ruler Mars retrograde in your 5th house of romance, pleasure, children, and creativity. This potentially inspires you to take up a new hobby where you get to express your true self. Creative inspiration may come to you in March or April when Neptune enters your sign for the first time since 1875.
You will need to bring more structure and order into your life when Saturn enters your sign in May. In the first quarter of the year, you may be inspired to bring more romance into your life, whether you’re single or coupled, and/or more energy may be put into your children and family life. This is all for the greater good, as expansive Jupiter will enter your 4th house of home, ancestry, and family in June. This brings good fortune to matters of the home, real estate, and family planning and enriches your life at home. Enjoy the journey.
Your Power Hues: Baked Peach, Golden Chestnut, Natural Dark Chocolate

Taurus, as a sign that doesn’t love change, you’ve had nothing but that in your life for what likely feels like an eternity. You’ll finally start to see the fruits of your labor crystallize in 2025.
At the beginning of the year, you may be focused on getting your domain in order. Clearing clutter will clear your mind. Familial issues may also be center stage, as you start to dig deep into your past and what made you who you are today. This energy will be heavily present in March when Neptune makes its first entrance into Aries and your 12th house of subconscious since 1875, and Saturn joins the same area shortly after.
Your friendship circle and network will evolve this year as you commit more time to the people who truly support you. Come mid-year, your mindset and perspective on how you see the world may completely start to shift. It may not be something people notice about you externally, but you’ll feel it, and your circumstances will start to change because of it. Finances may be a big topic of focus for you as we get to the second half of the year. You want to earn what you deserve, and you should. Know your worth.
Your Power Hues: Crème Brûlée Blonde, Bronde, Toasted Auburn

Gemini, you start 2025 with luck continuing to be on your side with expansive Jupiter in your 1st house of self. While everything hasn’t been a cakewalk, you’re realizing that you always end up where you’re supposed to be, with the resources you need.
Making more money or diversifying your income may be on your mind at the beginning of the year. With Saturn still in your 10th house of career, as we start the year, you may be fiercely committed to professional growth, but you don’t have to go at it alone. Neptune moves into your 11th house of networking in March, and Saturn joins in May. You should be strategic about who you are spending your time with and lean on your friends and network to support your professional goals. Jupiter will help you with being in the right place at the right time, and it’s up to you to seal the deal.
When it moves into your 2nd house of income in June, followed by Uranus’ entrance in your sign in July, you could see major gains in your career and income. Just make sure to take care of yourself with all this exciting energy around you. You don’t want to burn the candle at both ends. Remember, you are your most important currency.
Your Power Hues: Spiced Cinnamon, Mahogany Truffle, Glowing Brunette

Cancer, you’re known for your love of being at home, but 2025 is a year where you should get out and expand your horizons. Your planetary ruler, the moon's north node, spends the year in your sister sign, Pisces, in your 9th house of travel, higher education, spirituality, and marketing. With Saturn in this same area, you may be studying or leveling up your education in some way, so that you can move onto greener pastures professionally.
At the beginning of the year, put your energy into a thorough financial review and think about where you need to be. When Neptune moves into your 10th house of career in March, with Saturn joining in May, you’ll want to dissolve something about your professional life and build something new. Luckily (pun intended), lucky planet Jupiter moves into your sign in June, giving you all the auspicious juice you need to make your dreams come true.
Jupiter loves to be in Cancer, where its abundance knows no bounds. Just remember to make a plan and hone in on a couple of goals at a time. Your motto should be “focus on quality, not quantity.” Travel is also supported this year, so be prepared to cross some things off your bucket list.
Your Power Hues: Amber Blonde, Porcini Brown, Soft Ebony

Leo, you start the year full speed ahead, with energetic Mars in your first house of self. Mars is in retrograde, so keep in mind that life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you don’t need to accomplish every goal you’ve set for yourself at once. Start the year by setting up systems for yourself to optimize how you’re spending your time, particularly at home.
With the moon’s north and south nodes entering your financial houses, you’ll be looking to expand your income with the help of others. A partnership or important person may be a big factor in your success this year.
When Neptune and Saturn enter your 9th house of education, travel, and spirituality in the spring, you’ll begin to embark on a new journey of knowledge that will change how you view the world and your role in it. This will not be an instant occurrence, but you will slowly start to question the things around you. This is a good thing, as it is a sign of evolution and growth.
This will further be emphasized by Jupiter’s entrance into your 12th house of subconsciousness in June. Inspiration for a creative project may come to you via a dream or cosmic download. Come summer, you’ll start to meet interesting people who will help you on your journey as the year progresses.
Your Power Hues: Apricot Blonde, Laidback Brunette, Dynamic Espresso

Virgo, 2025 will be one of the pinnacle years of your life with the moon’s south node in your sign for the year. You are being called to release ideas, people, and things that no longer serve you, and you’ll feel the urge to do so on an intuitive level. It will not be anything you need to force.
If your relationships have been tested, you will have the chance to make the best decision for yourself when it comes to moving forward. Finances may play a role in your business and romantic relationships come spring. It may be time for a Virgo-like audit of how you are managing your resources with others.
You may also explore loans, and lines of credit, or clean up this area of your life. You will have the support you need from another person to do so. Expansive Jupiter will spend the first half of the year in your 10th house of career. Before it leaves, you may receive good news or a professional reward regarding your career.
Starting in July, you may start to see some of your hopes and wishes come true. You may choose to switch careers entirely after July or have the urge to change the way you work. Trust the process, everything will unfold as it should.
Your Power Hues: Scandi Blonde, Brown Baby Balayage, Matte Espresso

Libra, you’ve been on a journey of release, having to let go of things that could stunt your growth. Your identity is shifting, and next will be your routine to match.
The year starts off busy for you with the ruler of your 7th house of partnerships, Mars in your 11th house of groups. While holiday festivities may be over, you should stay open to invitations, especially if it involves reconnecting with people from your past.
March shapes up to be one of the most eventful months of the year for you when your planetary ruler goes retrograde, and Neptune enters your 7th house of partnerships. You may need to reconcile a relationship from the past to move forward. A personal test may come in May to make sure you’ve done the best thing when Saturn joins this area of your chart.
Get ready for your professional success to move to new heights when lucky Jupiter enters your 10th house of career in June. Uranus’ entrance into your 9th house of travel and spirituality in July will spark a desire for both spiritual and physical growth. If an opportunity for you to relocate for work comes up, you may be inclined to take the leap. The world is your oyster.
Your Power Hues: Old Money Blonde, Sandy Bronde, Burnt Mahogany

Scorpio, 2025 is a year of creation for you. That could mean a creative project, a new business, or even the addition of a little one to your family. The north node’s move into your 5th house of romance, creativity, and children in your sister sign Pisces, brings the opportunity to connect with what brings you pleasure and helps you feel youthful. You deserve more play in your life, Scorpio.
The year starts off with your planetary ruler Mars in retrograde in your 10th house of status and public image. An opportunity or project from the past may return for you to capitalize on. Whatever it is, is something you may end up doing for years to come with Saturn’s entrance into your 6th house of work and routine in May.
Expansive Jupiter, ruler of your 2nd house of income and 5th house of romance, moves into your other sister sign, Cancer in June. This may be the time to market a project that you’ve been working on. It could be financially lucrative and bring you recognition, but more importantly, joy.
When Uranus, the modern ruler of your 4th house of home enters your 8th house of shared resources, you may receive unexpected news connected to your family or home. It may be financial in nature, but just know you’ll always have what you need.
Your Power Hues: Natural Copper, Cayenne Copper, Caramel Latte

Sagittarius, in 2025 you’ll strive to achieve balance in your home and family life, but family will likely take more of your attention this year. There may be some changes in your professional life that require you to let go of some responsibilities or shift the way you’re approaching your career and how others see you.
With your planetary ruler Jupiter in your 7th house of partnerships for the first half of the year, it’s time to leverage your relationships to help you move forward in the world. This may require you to depend more on a partner, or being open to working with a coach, or someone who will help you reach the next level.
When Venus goes retrograde in your 5th house of creativity in March, you may encounter a blast from your romantic past. If you’re considering picking back up where you left off, take your time. Neptune joins this area the same month, but come May, you may see the truth or reality of the situation, and either choose to fully commit or move on.
When Jupiter moves into your 8th house of intimacy in June, you could start to benefit financially from a partnership or a new client base. Your creative ideas will be flowing like a river come July. Pick one good one to work on, and fully commit. You could go far.
Your Power Hues: Chantilly Blonde, Misty Mocha, Classic Auburn

Capricorn, your thoughts and ideals are shifting, allowing you to form closer bonds with the people you love most, especially close relatives and siblings. You’re learning that not everything can be explained with logic and may be more open to the mystical wonders of the world.
At the beginning of the year, commit to doing a financial audit, especially if you’re married or in a relationship where your funds are intertwined. You may be considering an investment related to real estate or even crowdfunding. You’ll have the chance to improve your home, or you may need to relocate around March. If that is the case, you should be settled by May, and getting used to your new digs.
Expansive Jupiter moves into your 7th house of relationships for a year in June, bringing luck and opportunity to your partnership arena. If you are single and looking for a committed partner, you should have more opportunities as Jupiter likes to bring gifts and possibilities. It’ll be up to you to stay open. By mid-summer, your environment may look much different than it did at the beginning of 2025, due to a new job, new home, or new relationship. Or maybe even all three!
Your Power Hues: Lightest Blonde, Smoky Blonde, Chocolate Rose

Aquarius, 2025 is a year of you recognizing your worth and your value. The moon’s north node in your 2nd house of income for the year will bring up topics related to money and material items. You may actively try to increase your income, especially if you’ve spent the past one to two years up-leveling your skillset.
You may be involved in some sort of negotiation that begins in March and lasts through late spring. No matter what the situation involves, you’ll need to stick to the facts and practice good record-keeping. Luck planet Jupiter enters your 6th house of work, service, and routine in June, helping you to optimize your day. Your daily responsibilities may increase, but so may the chance for new opportunities that help improve how you live your life. You may receive support through a group you’re a part of.
When your modern ruler Uranus enters your sister sign, Gemini in July for a preview of what’s to come in the coming years. You may get an instant spark of inspiration to embark on a new creative venture that makes you feel more alive and inspired. Pay attention to what moves you the most through the second half of the year.
Your Power Hues: Strawberry Blonde, Cowboy Copper, Soft Black

Pisces, 2025 will go down as one of the most memorable years of your life with so much activity happening in your 1st house of self. The moon’s north node will travel through your sign all year, putting you on a more aligned path. The changes you make in your life this year will likely be self-induced. This may include letting go of a relationship or relationships that are not in alignment with who you are today. Have faith that whatever you leave behind will be replaced with something better.
You start the year with energetic Mars in your 6th house of work, health, and routine. This is a good time to schedule any health checkups and commit to a schedule that optimizes your daily routine. Saturn has been in your sign, bringing more structure to your life, which will soon turn to your finances. Your modern ruler Neptune moves into your 2nd house of money in March, putting an emphasis on your financial dreams. You may have big aspirations, but you’ll need the hard work of Saturn to help you get your ducks in a row.
This process will begin in May before lucky Jupiter moves out of your 4th house of home and family and into your 5th house of creativity. You may consider creating a new business or finding creative ways to bring more income into your household.
Your Power Hues: Burgundy Brunette, Mushroom Balayage, Barely Black
Tamerri Ater, MBA, is a Certified Professional Astrologer, Reiki Energy Healer, Founder of AstroFashionista, LLC and Gift of the Nile Wellness. With 20 years of experience, Tamerri has advised thousands of clients on how to tap into their personal gifts to align with their soul’s destiny, life purpose, career path, and improve and attract healthy relationships and partnerships. Social: @astrofashionista